IT Jobs Explained With A Broken Lightbulb

Autorius: Mart Virkus Šaltinis: 2016-12-19 09:19:17, skaitė 2658, komentavo 1

IT Jobs Explained With A Broken Lightbulb

Do you know what “frontend” really does? Or “ops”? How about “leadgen”?

Well, this comic should clear things up. It’s totally accurate, too:

IT Jobs Explained With A Broken Lightbulb - comic by Toggl

This comic was created by the Toggl Goon Squad – the developers behind the world’s no. 1 time tracking app (certified, probably).

We do these comics to give the squad a quick mental break from their epic daily adventures – last of these being the complete revamp of the Toggl web app. Nice job guys, by the way.

Cool beans, what else have you guys done?

Like, this awesome comic about using different programming languages to rescue the princess from the dragon.

You might also enjoy The Unicorn Startup Simulator – a highly realistic, deeply immoral game about life in the gritty startup scene of Silicon Valley.

We built the entire game during a weeklong team retreat in the Scottish lowlands (highlands were not good, terrible wifi).

Also, since a lot of our users work in development, we also have this handy guide explaining different development methods using cars.

Will you do more of these?

Probably. Being a time tracking app, we’re pretty passionate about the software development industry and the challenges of working in that field.

If you have any cool ideas that we could put into a comic, do let us know in the comments below and we promise to add you as an easter egg when it comes out.

Until then – keep on trackin’!