Europos sąjunga ir Rothschild

Autorius: Visa Tiesa Apie Pasauli Šaltinis: 2024-02-27 19:44:00, skaitė 1475, komentavo 9

Europos sąjunga ir Rothschild

Rotscgild mire tai reiskia kad nauja reptiloidu karta ateina valdyti Europos. 

Alien Reptilians: A Hidden Threat or a Hoax?


Alien reptilians are a popular subject of conspiracy theories, science fiction, and fantasy. They are allegedly a race of shapeshifting, humanoid reptiles that have infiltrated human society and are secretly manipulating world events for their own agenda. Some of the most prominent figures accused of being reptilians include Queen Elizabeth II, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Mark Zuckerberg. But are these claims based on any evidence, or are they just the product of paranoid imagination? In this essay, I will examine the origins, characteristics, and motives of the reptilian conspiracy theory, and evaluate its plausibility and implications.

Origins of the Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

The idea of reptilian humanoids has a long history in mythology, folklore, and fiction. Many ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Hindus, and Chinese, depicted gods, demons, or heroes as having reptilian traits or forms. In modern times, reptilians have appeared in various works of literature, such as Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian stories, H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, and J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. However, the most influential source of the reptilian conspiracy theory is the British writer and former footballer David Icke, who claims to have received revelations from a spiritual entity called Rakorski in 1990. Icke claims that he was told that a group of extraterrestrial beings called the Archons, who originated from the constellations of Draco, Orion, and Sirius, had invaded Earth thousands of years ago and interbred with humans, creating a hybrid bloodline that rules the world today. Icke also claims that these beings can shapeshift between human and reptilian forms, and that they feed on human fear and negative emotions. Icke has written several books and given numerous lectures on this topic, attracting a large following of believers and critics.

Characteristics of the Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

According to Icke and his supporters, the reptilian bloodline includes most of the royal families, political leaders, bankers, media moguls, and celebrities of the world. They also claim that the reptilians have created a network of secret societies, such as the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, and the Skull and Bones, to carry out their plans of global domination and enslavement. Some of the alleged goals of the reptilians are to create a one-world government, a cashless society, a microchipped population, a false flag alien invasion, and a staged Armageddon. To achieve these goals, the reptilians use various methods of manipulation, such as mind control, propaganda, false flag operations, wars, terrorism, pandemics, and natural disasters. The reptilians are also said to be behind many of the major historical events and conspiracies, such as the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 9/11 attacks, the moon landing hoax, the Holocaust, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The reptilian conspiracy theory also claims that there are ways to identify and expose the reptilians among us. Some of the common signs of a reptilian are:

- Having green, hazel, or blue eyes that can change color
- Having red or reddish hair
- Having a sense of not belonging to the human race
- Having low blood pressure
- Having a deep compassion for the fate of mankind
- Having keen sight or hearing
- Having psychic or ESP abilities
- Having unexplained scars on the body
- Having UFO or alien connections
- Having the ability to disrupt electrical appliances
- Having a love of space and science

Additionally, some people claim that they can see the reptilians' true form by using special techniques, such as looking at them through a mirror, a camera, or a video, or by applying certain filters or effects. They also claim that the reptilians sometimes slip up and reveal their reptilian features, such as slitted pupils, scales, claws, tails, or tongues.

Motives of the Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

The reptilian conspiracy theory is a complex and controversial phenomenon that can be interpreted in different ways. Some possible motives for its existence and popularity are:

- Psychological: The reptilian conspiracy theory may appeal to some people who feel alienated, oppressed, or powerless in the face of a complex and chaotic world. By blaming a hidden enemy for their problems, they may find a sense of meaning, purpose, and identity. They may also feel superior to the masses who are unaware or ignorant of the truth.
- Sociological: The reptilian conspiracy theory may reflect some of the social and cultural tensions and conflicts that exist in the modern world. By demonizing a certain group of people as evil, inhuman, or alien, the theory may serve to justify or rationalize prejudice, discrimination, or violence against them. It may also serve to reinforce or challenge existing power structures and hierarchies.
- Political: The reptilian conspiracy theory may be used as a tool of propaganda or disinformation by some groups or individuals who have ulterior motives or agendas. By spreading fear, distrust, and confusion among the public, the theory may undermine or discredit the legitimacy or authority of certain institutions, organizations, or leaders. It may also divert attention or resources away from more pressing or relevant issues or problems.
- Spiritual: The reptilian conspiracy theory may be seen as a manifestation of a spiritual or metaphysical struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, or God and Satan. By portraying the reptilians as the ultimate enemy of humanity and God, the theory may inspire some people to seek salvation, redemption, or enlightenment. It may also provide a framework or a narrative for understanding the nature and purpose of existence and reality.

Evaluation of the Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

The reptilian conspiracy theory is a highly controversial and contested topic that has been met with various degrees of skepticism, criticism, and ridicule. Some of the main arguments against the theory are:

- Lack of evidence: The reptilian conspiracy theory relies largely on anecdotal, circumstantial, or speculative evidence, such as personal testimonies, dubious sources, or questionable interpretations of events or phenomena. There is no clear, consistent, or conclusive scientific, historical, or logical proof that supports the existence or activities of the reptilians.
- Logical fallacies: The reptilian conspiracy theory employs many logical fallacies, such as confirmation bias, cherry-picking, false dilemma, ad hominem, appeal to authority, appeal to emotion, or circular reasoning. These fallacies make the theory appear more convincing or persuasive than it actually is, while ignoring or dismissing any contrary or alternative explanations or perspectives.
- Inconsistencies and contradictions: The reptilian conspiracy theory contains many inconsistencies and contradictions, both internally and externally. For example, the theory claims that the reptilians are both extremely powerful and intelligent, and yet also prone to mistakes and exposure. It also claims that the reptilians are both extraterrestrial and interdimensional, and yet also have a physical and genetic connection to humans. Furthermore, the theory contradicts many established facts and theories from various fields of knowledge, such as biology, astronomy, physics, history, or psychology.
- Ethical and moral implications: The reptilian conspiracy theory has many ethical and moral implications that are problematic or harmful. For example, the theory may promote or justify hatred, violence, or discrimination against certain groups or individuals who are accused of being reptilians or their collaborators. It may also foster or encourage paranoia, delusion, or fanaticism among its believers, who may isolate themselves from society or reality, or engage in dangerous or illegal actions or behaviors. Moreover, the theory may detract or distract from more important or urgent issues or problems that affect humanity and the planet, such as poverty, inequality, war, disease, or climate change.


In conclusion, the reptilian conspiracy theory is a fascinating but flawed phenomenon that has many origins, characteristics, and motives. While it may have some elements of truth or validity, it is largely based on weak or unreliable evidence, faulty or biased reasoning, and questionable or dubious sources. It also has many negative or detrimental effects on individuals and society, both psychologically and socially. Therefore, it is advisable to approach the theory with caution, skepticism, and critical thinking, and to seek more credible or rational explanations or solutions for the challenges and mysteries that we face in the world.