HRW: Ukraina PFM-1 minomis minavo savo pačių piliečius

Autorius: BBB Šaltinis: 2023-02-01 03:56:00, skaitė 747, komentavo 7

HRW: Ukraina PFM-1 minomis minavo savo pačių piliečius

Amerikos žydų vadovaujama, Niujorke įsikūrusi NGO Human Rights Watch teigia, kad nuo Ukrainos minų Iziume nupjautos kojos 50-čiai civilių.

Human Rights Watch corroborated the time period for each incident with multiple individuals. Researchers either observed remnants directly in these areas or witnesses said they saw the PFM-series antipersonnel mines, with the aid of reference materials. In each location, witnesses observed or reported at least several mines. General areas and time periods when witnesses observed antipersonnel mines in and around Izium:

 # || Village/City || Area || Date of Discovery

1 || Kapytolivka Village, east of Izium || Village center || Late April
2 || Izium || Central District/along Heroiv - Chornobyltsiv Street || Early June
3 || Izium || Central District/near Kindergarten No. 12 || Summer 
4 || Izium || Central District/Izium Central Hospital || Mid-July/Late Summer 
5 || Izium || Central District/Southern Izium || Mid-July/Early August
6 || Izium || Central District/northern part of Right Bank || July/Mid-August
7 || Hlyns'ke Village, northwest of Izium || Western edge of village || Late August  
8 || Izium || Neighborhood south of Shekspira Street || September 9/10
9 || Izium || Neighborhood around School No. 6 || September 10 

Scenario in which Russia, repeatedly over the course of five months, used antipersonnel landmines against its own troops and across territory it hoped to control permanently is highly unlikely.

One healthcare worker at Izium’s central hospital said that between April and September 21, medical staff had amputated 20 to 30 lower limbs as a result of injuries caused by these mines. On October 24, healthcare workers said that the number of civilian casualties from the mines, most resulting in a traumatic amputation, had risen to almost 50, including five children.

Išvada - Jonas Ohman melavo. LRT skleidė melą. Bet dėsninga, nes viskas ką sako lietuviai dažniausiai yra melas.