Erdogan: Time to convert Europe to Islam

Autorius: The Ottoman Empire Šaltinis: 2020-11-07 12:57:00, skaitė 1105, komentavo 7

Erdogan: Time to convert Europe to Islam

The same article was also published on the newspaper’s website with the more explicit title, “What if an Army of Islam was Formed Against Israel?” The article openly called on the 57 member states of the OIC to form a joint “Army of Islam” to simultaneously attack Israel from the east, west, north, and south.

According to Israel’s Shin Bet, the source of the article appears to be the Turkish company SADAT, which among other sinister plots is aiding Hamas with funds and military gear to create a “Palestinian” army to join in the fight against Israel.

Resurrecting the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire he speaks of is the same that committed genocide against more than one million Armenians in the wake of the Ottomans’ defeat at the end of World War I.

No one should dismiss Erdogan’s yet hidden illusion to commit genocide against the Jews in Israel. Erdogan is dangerous because he is insane enough not only to think in these incomprehensible terms, but to act on them on numerous fronts, as he is now doing.

In recent years, Erdogan has been busy establishing military bases in Qatar and Somalia, and most recently reached an agreement with the Sudan to acquire a Sudanese island in the Red Sea to be used as forward military base.

Meanwhile, he is throwing his brash and bearish weight on the Caucasus and former Soviet states such as Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, and others to follow his dictates.

He has repeatedly threatened to invade Greek islands in the Mediterranean, not to mention his recent incursion into Syria for the express purpose of establishing a permanent presence in the country under the guise of fighting Kurdish terrorism.

Recently, at the commemoration ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the death of Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II at the Yildiz palace in Istanbul, Erdogan stated that “The Republic of Turkey, just like our previous states that are a continuation of one another, is also a continuation of the Ottomans.”

Declaring that Europe will be Muslim

Erdogan further stated, according to Bloomberg, that ‘Too many Turks, misled by the West, have cut the country off from its Ottoman roots.’ “History isn’t just a nation’s past, it’s the compass for its future.”

MP Alparslan Kavaklıoğlu, a member of the ruling AKP and the head of the parliament’s Security and Intelligence Commission, recently stated:

The Muslim population will outnumber the Christian population in Europe. This… has increased the nationalistic, xenophobic and anti-Islam rhetoric there. Hence, marginal, small parties have started to get large numbers of votes… But there is no remedy for it. Europe will be Muslim. We will be effective there, Allah willing. I am sure of that.

Making Turkey the leading Islamist state

To promote the revival of the Ottoman Empire and his ambition to become the leader of the Muslim world, Erdogan exploits Islam as the common cause around which all Muslim states can rally. He uses religion to prevent questioning either his motive or the nature of his mission, as he can portray that as if it were all ordained by God.

No one should be surprised if Erdogan soon announces that Sharia law is the law of the land. He exploits Islam for personal and political gain, uses Islamic symbols and precepts to indoctrinate the public and promotes Islamic studies in schools to cultivate a new generation of devout Muslims loyal to him.

Although Erdogan still pretends to govern an Islamic democracy, the truth is that Turkey in no way resembles a democracy under his dictatorial reign. He is steadily making Turkey an Islamist state that stands by and supports Islamic extremist groups such Hamas and the likes of ISIS.

The U.S. and the EU must stop Erdogan from blackmailing the West

Since the publication of this outrageous plan, not a single U.S. or EU official has condemned it. The United States and the EU must demand that Erdogan disassociate himself from the ideas reported by Yeni Şafak and reject it in the strongest terms.

Moreover, the United States should put Erdogan on notice that further promulgation of his Ottoman revivalist ideology will be dealt with as a threat to the United States’ and the EU’s strategic interests and will bear severe consequences.

No one, especially the United States and the EU, should dismiss Erdogan’s outrageous anti-Western scheme, which poses a major security threat. It’s time for the EU to permanently and publicly close the door to Turkey’s prospective EU membership.

No American administration should allow Turkey to threaten the destruction of one of its closest allies—Israel—which should have a chilling effect not only on every Israeli, but also on every close ally.

No leader who is silent about the creation of an Islamic Army should be trusted and treated as a legitimate head of state, but must be dealt with as a traitor who is inviting disaster onto his country and people.