Norway is a paradise for pedophiles.

Autorius: Slusnys ekzpert Šaltinis: https://christiancoalition.wor... 2018-10-04 10:12:38, skaitė 2149, komentavo 1

Norway is a paradise for pedophiles.

Child Psychiatry Specialist in Norway got Two Surrogacy Children in India - This Week convicted for 200.000 Child Pornography Photos for 20 YearsThe sentence from Oslo City Court states that there are no limitations to public insight into this verdict.

This week a case of massive proportions has hit Norway´s judicial, political and CPS system full-fledge: Dr. Jo Erik Brøyn has practised as Child Psychiatrist for 20 years with special roles as «expert» for Norway´s infamous Barnevernet.

«Child Expert Commission»

He has for several years served as one of 14 professionals on Norway´s «Child Expert Commission», appointed by the Minister of Children and Equality (until January 2018: Ms Solveig Horne of the Progress Party), and managed by the Govenmental Civil Rights Administration. This commission is mandated to give necessary checks and balances of every professional assessment by psychologists in cases for Barnevernet.

The Verdict

He was on Monday sentenced for having downloaded 200.000 child pornographic pictures on his computers since 1997. (Specifically 205.536 data files, of which 193.491 are photos and 12.045 videos with a total playtime of 4.064 hours  Additionaly there are 94 sheets of photos.) He admitted to using the photos for his personal pleasure. 

The sentence is made publicly available by Oslo City Court.

He is a homosexual with pedophile orientation.

A few years ago he got two children through surrogacy in India.

«Norway has the world´s best CPS»?

How could this happen in a country where the Children´s Ombudsman Anne Lindboe says that «Norway has the world´s best CPS»?

The sexual activities of Dr. Brøyn is one thing.

But much more important is that such a man has been given the opportunity to be a leader of investigations into sexual abuses of children.

Politics and Police

In KKN´s opinion this is a matter for thorough political and police investigations, way beyond what Dr. Brøyn has been convicted of. Probably there needs to be taken serious actions against 1) the Director of BUFDir, Ms. Mari Trommald, 2) the Ombudsman for Children, Dr. Anne Lindboe, and 3) the former Minister for Children and Equality (2013-2018), Ms Solveig Horne. They have to take responsibility for their blatant neglect and possible cover-up.

Norway persecutes excellent parents that have normal flaws, but the elitist groups of «experts» within the leadership and administration of Barnevernet and related environments cover up and defend the gruesome practices and values that have been going on for years. Enough is enough!

Norway is a paradise for pedophiles.